Saturday, February 17, 2007

14. Bank error in your favour

Haha, free money! Richard had the best-case scenario happening - a receipt for £100 and bank records that showed a withdrawal of the same amount. Good thing there wasn't a security camera to catch him pocketing the extra £9900.

That sense of small business honesty versus large corporation nonchalance undeniably sits with most of us. Somehow we can mentally put aside our morals and justify our petty theft against a large MNC. We know it's wrong but they won't miss it, will they? Why do we think that way? Do we feel we are victims to their exploits? Big business versus small man. Millions of dollars a day versus small change. Enough to let some morals slip.

If I ran a business, regardless of size, I’d be upset over petty theft. A Malay saying goes 'Sikit sikit lama jadi bukit' which means 'A little each time becomes a lot over time'. This saying is used to educate the young on the merits of saving. It also applies to our context too. The French rail company SCNF estimates it's lost over €200 million in unpaid fares from farejumping over a decade. Now that's a lot! Somehow I believe that there is a finite amount of money. So no matter how it plays out, someone loses.

I suppose it's a test of true honesty and self will. If it's the one that gets you past the pearly gates or not reincarnated as a worm, would that extra cash matter? It all boils down to beliefs.


Anonymous said...

What goes around, comes around.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the blog owner. What a blog! nice idea.