Saturday, February 3, 2007

A Book That Snorted Out To Me

Titles that stop you in your tracks. That's what this book did to me. In Singapore, it was marketed with yellow cover, red title copy and an image of a pig. If that doesn't stop a genuine book browser, little else will. Most people would probably pick the book, flip through the pages, and make a decision not to buy it because it's a thinkers' book. Philosophy is a big word that scares many people. The closest philosophical thought many may relate to is "To be or not to be, that is the question", although its roots are hardly philosophical (Shakespeare wasn't it?). "I think, therefore I am" could be next best. Anyway, my point is the book isn't for everyone. In this sunny island, it may not do so well (Sorry Julian Baggini).

I started this blog to put down my own ideas and thoughts for each of the 100 thought experiments found in The Pig That Wants To Be Eaten and 99 Other Thought Experiments. Having read the first 6 chapters, I revisited them and wrote my ideas down on paper on the train ride home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the blog owner. What a blog! nice idea.